I’m happy to announce that we just got another great Partner on board with LawyerSmack!

This is a great new partner for the ambulance chasers among us. a/k/a – Personal Injury lawyers.  

Fun story: The name of the personal injury lawyer channel in LawyerSmack is #ambulancechasers. I named it that as a joke when I started LawyerSmack. Last year a couple people suggested changing the name to something a bit more professional. I was game for it, as I had named the channel merely on a whim.

Well when I changed the name, there was a revolt. 90% of the channel demanded I change the name back. The response was essentially: “We’re not ashamed of what we are. We don’t need to hide it. Also, it’s funny.”

That’s to say, personal injury lawyers to to have a pretty self-deprecating sense of humor. 

Welcome aboard our new partner CASEpeer!

CASEpeer is a cloud-based case management software for personal injury law. Our software is designed for law firms who want to encourage accountability, empower staff, and make data driven decisions. Customized for personal injury and mass torts, we know what your law firm needs at every stage of a case.

Our features include intake tracking, e-signatures, task management, custom workflows, texting, client portal, settlement tools, discovery management, automated calendaring, letter generation, document management, powerful reports, and more. We make it easy to manage your law firm, so you can focus on growing your business.

I’m excited to have CASEpeer as a partner and look forward to announcing more soon. Members can access these deals by logging into LawyerSmack and going to Partner Deals.