Happy to announce that we just got another Partner on board with LawyerSmack!

I’ve long been a fan (and friend) of Ross Guberman, one of the leading legal writing experts in the world. I think most lawyers are familiar with his book Point Made: How To Write Like The Nation’s Top Advocates (my review of the first edition), not to mention Ross’ frequent lectures, classes, and seminars he teaches around the world.

Recently, Ross unveiled a new tool called BriefCatch. BriefCatch is a plugin for Microsoft Word (Windows only, bummer) that essentially puts Ross over your shoulder while you write.

It offers editing suggestions that you can implement in real time. The program not only catches common mistakes but spots editing and advocacy opportunities that many lawyers and other writers miss.

I’m happy to announce that LawyerSmack members receive an exclusive discount on an annual license. Join LawyerSmack to claim your discount.

I’m thrilled to have Ross and BriefCatch as a partner, and look forward to getting more partners as the year goes on to continue to make your LawyerSmack membership grow in value.

BriefCatch joins these other Partners:

Members can access these deals by logging into LawyerSmack and going to Member Discounts.