Yesterday, LawyerSmack crested two million messages exchanged between members.

What started as a small idea in 2016 has become the most active private lawyer community on the Internet. It took far less time to reach two million messages than it did the first million, so I suppose what they say about “first million being the hardest” is true.

The two millionth message came sometime yesterday morning, when one member was requesting help with drafting a bill to improve the foster laws in his state. Joe put the call out on Twitter:

And the LawyerSmack community rallied around him. I can’t imagine a better two millionth message than the community coming together to help another member.

Lawyers Helping Lawyers

I thought about trying to say something about the community to describe how great it is, but decided it would be better to just let them speak for themselves. So to mark the milestone, I asked members what they get out of LawyerSmack (which most members just refer to as ‘LS’):

    • LS gave me a professional community I didn’t have and couldn’t put together on my own. I’ve gotten professional connections, advice, paying work, and friends out of LS. – Robin


  • I’ve enjoyed this group as a place to exchange ideas about new issues in data privacy and cybersecurity, and just as a fun place where you can log-in any time of the day and there are people to chat with about whatever they’re doing up at 2AM. It’s good company and everyone understands weird lawyer schedules – Suchi



  • LawyerSmack has allowed me to see how lawyers think … and what a scary, scarring process that is. – Eli



  • LS gives me the chance to be social, ask questions, earn referrals, and make friends – all from my work desk. LS is the multi-tasker’s best friend. – Joe



  • LS is the watercooler for lawyers that you (mostly) like. You can talk strategy, get advice, or just shoot the shit. Just don’t mention hot dogs. – Tripp



  • LS is all the good parts of the internet. Need help finding a particular case? Someone will help. Need to figure out the best approach in a complicated case? Fellow members on both sides will give you their take. Need to vent, make sure you’re not crazy, or tell a nerdy lawyer joke that your friends won’t appreciate? LS is here for you. LS is a great community, and I’m thankful I found it. – Erin



  • LS was a huge “shoulder to lean on” when I lost my job. It made me feel like I had people I could turn to who wanted to help. Everyone was really supportive and gave great professional and personal advice. It’s also a great way to break up the day during the “always be billing” grind! – Andrew



  • LS is a great place to quickly crowd-source answers to any question you may have, whether it be legal or otherwise. You can also make lots of new friends and rationally discuss sports with fans of your most-heated rival. But fair-warning: don’t come to LS and expect a rational discussion of sandwiches, fonts or footnotes. Everyone here has an opinion, and it is usually wrong. – Jenn



  • This community has a place for everyone and we’re there to cheer or lament, as needed. LS is similar to other resources or organizations in that the more you use it, the more you gain from it. Just keep track of your billables! – Kristen



  • What does LS mean to me? LS was a professional life line when I really needed it. I was at a crossroads, very unhappy with the way my work life was going. The attorneys in LS were so generous with their time and information, answering all of my very basic, stupid questions. I have connected with a true supportive, albeit salty and sarcastic, community. Particularly as a solo female attorney on a second iteration of a career, having a community of female attorneys from all over the country, in all practice areas, at every stage of career development, has been affirming and uplifting and supportive in ways I never experienced as a new attorney in the early 1990s (cause I’m *that* old). LS is my marketplace for lawyer related services, my mentor for all of my law practice questions (large and small), my water cooler to just chat during the work day, my therapists’ couch for the harder days and my “after work blowing off steam with a few drinks” crew. Thanks, Keith, for creating something truly special and unique. I am happy to be here! – Jill




Thank You

Thanks to everyone who is part of LS. I’m truly fortunate to have been able to rally together such an amazing group of lawyers. I appreciate you taking the chance on this new community. LawyerSmack continues to amaze me – referrals, jobs, dozens of meetups, camaraderie, support, awards, books, and just plain old fun. And thank you to all the vendor partners as well – AttorneySync, BriefCatch, Casetext, Headnote, Hoban, Lawmatics, LawPay,, OutkickCLE, Red Cave Consulting, Smith, and Smokeball. They offer support and discounts to members in the most amazing ways.


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Marking The Milestone

To celebrate the two millionth message, LawyerSmack is offering a discount on the first year of membership. (now expired, but you should join anyway!)

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the best group of lawyers on the Internet. 

Here’s to three million.