Happy to announce that we just got another Partner on board with LawyerSmack!

This is a really great new partner to have on for everyone that enjoys staying on top of current events and remaining informed about the world – which is actually a pretty big contingent of the LawyerSmack community. In addition to talking shop, the community likes to talk about almost every possible topic. We have channels ranging from the First Amendment to IP to AmbulanceChasers (personal injury plaintiff attorneys have a sense of humor about themselves).

Plus I share news stories every morning exclusively in LawyerSmack. I comb through probably a few dozen news sources every morning and carefully select the most interesting stories of the day – legal and otherwise. A few of these stories I end up sharing on Twitter, but most of the news I collect I only share in LawyerSmack. Staying informed about what’s going on in their perspective industries is a stand out feature for many members.

That’s why I’m happy to announce that out newest partner is Law.com.

Law.com is an interconnected legal media platform providing breaking news, data trends, sophisticated analysis, and peer guidance from over 18 national and regional award-winning publications. We combine technology and resources to help legal professionals at every career level stay informed about the business and practice of law. Discover how Law.com adds quality journalism and analysis on the legal industry to your daily routine.

Law.com’s news outlets are part of my routine reading. They have stories that you can’t find anywhere else – particularly with their regional coverage and industry specific outlets. In addition, you receive access to tools and benchmarks like the AmLaw rankings and the Diversity ScoreCard.

I’m excited to have Law.com as LawyerSmack’s eighth partner, and look forward to announcing more soon. Members can access these deals by logging into LawyerSmack and going to Partner Deals.